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We hope you'll find helpful information. Links have been recommended by school psychologists, by parents with a child on the autism spectrum,
and by others. Just click on the underlined words in the title to be connected to more information.
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Headquartered in Washington, D.C., works to protect and promote the dignity and inclusion of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities and offers a variety of resources on their website.
An autism advocacy organization in the United States that sponsors autism research and conducts awareness and outreach activities. A bevy of resources and research are available and searchable by topic, the age of the person with ASD, by your relationship to that person, and more.
Americans with Disabilities Act Information:
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Downs Syndrome Association of Connecticut
New Britain, Connecticut-based organization dedicated to promoting equity, empowerment, opportunity and inclusion for individuals with Downs Syndrome. Useful information for parents, caregivers, doctors and teachers.
National Downs Syndrome Congress
A leading national resource for support and advocacy dedicated to improving the lives of those with Downs Syndrome.
Activities and Therapies
The Benefits of Cooking for Adults with Intellectual and Development Disabilities:
Accessible Chef – Accessible Cooking for Budding Chefs
Teaching Cooking to Persons with Intellectual Disabilities - BrightHub Education
The Benefits of Exercise for Adults with Intellectual and Development Disabilities:
Increasing Physical Activity among Adults with Disabilities | CDC
Benefits of Pet Therapy | PAWS for People
Publications and Research
Amy Laurent’s Website is excellent, providing practical information for children and adults with autism and for those who support them.
Nancy Wiseman’s organization focuses on issues of early identification and family support, as well as education of professionals about ASD.
Mental Wellness for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (mn.gov)
From the Minnesota Department of Human Services, suggestions for supporting wellness amongf folks with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities.
Social Thinking: focuses on strategies for developing social competencies which are geared towards those on the Spectrum who have average cognitive abilities.
Dr. Barry Prizant, Ph.D. is a well-regarded voice on autism and the author of the book, Uniquely Human.